Yuxuan Zhang

This website will not be updated anymore. Please visit: https://zyuxuan0115.github.io

I’m Yuxuan Zhang. I’m a fourth year PhD at CIS department of UPenn. My advisor is Joe Devietti, and our research group is upenn architecture+compiler group.

My research focuses on investigating and mitigating the front-end bottleneck of cloud workloads at runtime. Here are my research statement, and my CV.


OCOLOS: Online COde Layout OptimizationS. [paper] [code] [slides]
Y. Zhang, T. Khan, G. Pokam, B. Kasikci, H. Litz, J. Devietti.
Proc. International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Oct. 2022.

Contact Info

Email: zyuxuan/at/seas.upenn.edu
Office: GRW 561,
            3330 Walnut Street
            Philadelphia, PA 19104-3409


In addition to research, I enjoy writing fan fictions about video games and anime. I self-published my fictions and sold more than 1,000 copies in China. I’m also a second-year Japanese language learner in UPenn Japanese Language Program.

My personal website (mostly in Chinese): https://kate0115.net