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CIS 110 Wiki

Welcome to the CIS 110 wiki. You will find various documentation and enrichment material related to CIS 110 on this wiki. You are always free to use information on these pages in your homework assignments. You do not need to log CIS 110 wiki use in your assignment help logs.


PennDraw is an enhanced version of the booksite's StdDraw library. Think of it as StdDraw 2.0. Anything you can do in StdDraw works in PennDraw as well, but you can also do much more. To use PennDraw, follow these simple steps:

  1. Save to the folder with your own Java program. (Right-click the link, and select "Save Link As...") You will need to do this for every assignment that uses PennDraw.
  2. Look at the PennDraw Reference to see what you can do with it.
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Page last modified on August 25, 2015, at 03:51 PM